Over the past decade opera has gone through immense changes regarding it's user interface, design and performance. However, it still lacks in the performance sector leaving it at second place over chrome.


For the sake of your time, I'm not gonna to go through it's origin history in details but let me explain it in brief. opera web browser developed by opera software, is a chromium based browser uses the blink layout engine.

Personal experience

I've been using opera for past few years as my primary web browser for almost everything including browsing, blogging, researching etc. Being a chrome user myself for a long i can totally relate to your "chrome is better" argument but please hear me out in this one, trust me I've been there. Infact, i have nothing against chrome, i like it a lot and i still use it as my secondary web browser. Here's a list of features why i chose opera over chrome.
Top 10 features

1. Built in whatsapp

You don't need to install whatsapp on your pc and sacrifice additional storage space for it. WhatsApp web works the same for any browser but opera has it as an integrated side window which you can use simultaneously as you're browsing without having to change tabs to reply each time. This is one of the most helpful features that i love about this web browser.

2. Built in facebook messenger

Similar to whatsapp web, facebook messenger works the same. It opens up from side bar menu and saves you a bunch of time to change tabs while you work on your web browser.

3. Built in download manager

No need get yourself an external download manager outside of your web browser cause opera browser has got that covered for you. It comes with pre built download manager with simple interface.

4. It is familiar with chrome

Opera web browser runs on chromium based browser so if you're a chrome user and thinking about migrating to opera then you aren't sacrificing much. Getting into it's user interface is very similar infact better in some cases.

5. Can use add-on

Add-ons has been one of the most widely features of chrome, probably the reason why someone would choose chrome over opera but you'll be amazed knowing you can use Chrome extensions on opera web browser. Opera browser can support chrome extensions since it runs on chromium based browser. So, you're not sacrificing extension options in opera.

6. Built in vpn

Opera web browser comes with built in VPN (virtual private network) system, which you can use on both incognito and normal browsing tabs. Built in VPN is one of the most appropriated features about opera web browser. You don't need to pay extra to use VPN unless you want to do downloading cause it's not really that much fast but gets the work done such as browsing web pages.

7. Smooth interface

Opera has the best user interface and design I've ever seen in a web browser. Really smooth and well organised user friendly interface that you don't need to know much about before you get started. You can get along with the browser very well as soon as you start using it.

8. Inspect element

Opera web browser has a very well organised inspect element feature that allows you to see and edit the HTML and CSS codes of web content. It is very useful for bloggers. I use it to make changes on my website all of the time.

9. Opera touch

I have to admit this is the best feature i like about opera. This small minimalistic web browser for Android is built for people on the go and won a red dot award for it's user interface. What makes it special is the app includes a feature called opera flow, which lets a user pass links, images and notes from their phone to an Opera browser on their computer using a “secure and private” connection.

10. Dark mode

Opera web browser comes with a very well designed dark mode. Dark mode could be a combination that uses palish text, icons, and graphical computer programme parts on a dark background and is commonly mentioned in terms of interface design and web design.

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